Since users will not always have a connection to the internet the system also allows for users to Reconcile tags in an offline environment. This requires a user to begin in a location with WiFi in order to get the job they will be working on that day. Once the job is downloaded by a user they can access it on their laptop later when they are in an offline environment. Once the user has completed the job they can sync the data back to the central system, to do this they will need to return to a wifi location or create a mobile hotspot. 

Step 1: The user must go to and login using their portal email and login. The user must user google chrome to use the program. If a user needs to install google chrome please follow this link  and download google chrome.

Step 2: the user must then install the desktop version of the program. This is done by clicking the 3 dots on the top right of the browser and clicking the Open in CCG Install/Destroy Tool. This will save a program on the desktop called CCG Install/Destroy Tool. This tool is the offline program. On the first time pressing this button on chrome it will open a smaller window tool. This is the program.

Step 3: The user will be presented with a list of projects. The user should click on the viewjobs button for the project they are working on.

Step 4: A user now needs to get the job or jobs the user is working on today. This is the most important step as without doing this the user will not be able to work in offline mode. At this point once the user has hit get job and the job has opened and displays tags, the user is free to either begin installing tags or if the user is now going to a different location, the user can close the screen and their laptop and the job is saved on their computer. Once the user reopens the computer and clicks the link on the desktop for CCG Install/Destroy Tool, the user can access that job and work in offline mode.

Step 5 : After the user has opened the job they will be presented with a list of NSNs that they can reconcile against. They can use the top bar to search the list of NSNs and pick up to 3 NSNs to reconcile at one time. The user can also view the marking spec by clicking View Marking Spec. This ensures you are working at the correct asset.

Step 6: The user is now ready to enter data for an NSN. A modal window will pop up where a user can enter the subunit, the serial and due to human error the user will be prompted to enter the serial a second time to verify it is correct. The subunit will hold in the field until the user decides to change it to something else or picks a new NSN.

Step 7: The user can pick more NSNs to continue entering data until all assets have been reconciled. If a user enters an incorrect serial then the user can click on the logged assets at the bottom of the screen and search for the serial on the next screen and remove it from the file. 

Step 8: Once the user has completed the job and there are no more assets to reconcile the user clicks the close job button

Step 9: When on WiFi the user syncs the job to the central system and the job is now complete and ready for review by the CCG Project Manager