Since users will not always have a connection to the internet the system also allows for users to Install tags in an offline environment. This requires a user to begin in a location with WiFi in order to get the job they will be working on that day. Once the job is downloaded by a user they can access it on their laptop later when they are in an offline environment. Once the user has completed the job they can sync the data back to the central system, to do this they will need to return to a wifi location or create a mobile hotspot.
Step 1: The user must go to and login using their portal email and login. The user must user google chrome to use the program. If a user needs to install google chrome please follow this link and download google chrome.
Step 2: the user must then install the desktop version of the program. This is done by clicking the 3 dots on the top right of the browser and clicking the Open in CCG Install/Destroy Tool. This will save a program on the desktop called CCG Install/Destroy Tool. This tool is the offline program. On the first time pressing this button on chrome it will open a smaller window tool. This is the program.
Step 3: The user will be presented with a list of projects. The user should click on the viewjobs button for the project they are working on.
Step 4: A user now needs to get the job or jobs the user is working on today. This is the most important step as without doing this the user will not be able to work in offline mode. At this point once the user has hit get job and the job has opened and displays tags, the user is free to either begin installing tags or if the user is now going to a different location, the user can close the screen and their laptop and the job is saved on their computer. Once the user reopens the computer and clicks the link on the desktop for CCG Install/Destroy Tool, the user can access that job and work in offline mode.
Step 5: The user is now presented with 4 options within the job on the top of the screen. The user is also presented with a running total across the bottom of the screen related to how many tags have been Installed, Destroyed or Reconciled. There is also a count of the remaining tags in the job which is calculated by
(Remaining Tags =Total Tags - Installed Tags - Destroyed Tags)
- Lookup
- This allows the user to search for a serial in the job and the result displayed will be the page and pouch within the book associated with that job.
- If a user does not have access to a scanner then the user after finding the record can click install or destroy (followed by a destroy reason) that tag.
2. Install
1. This allows a user to consecutively scan multiple IUID labels. This scan will automatically install the tag. If a user scanned the incorrect tag there is an undo button which will revert the tag back to uninstalled.
3. Destroy
1. This allows a user to consecutively scan multiple IUID labels. This scan will automatically destroy the tag. If a user scanned the incorrect tag there is an undo button which will revert the tag back to uninstalled.
(Alan - Need to add how to add a destroy reason once added)
4. Recon
1. This function allows a user to gather data from NSNs within the job. This is mostly for the following reasons
1. Data issues
2. Unexpected assets found at the location for those NSNs
3. Tag failure during install which requires a remake
4. If there is other data for different NSNs to be gathered then the user must request a new Recon job be created for that location.
2. The recon function works the same as it does on the Offline Recon Job. For detailed instruction click here
(Alan -Add Link)
Step 5: Once a user has completed all the tasks by either installing, destroying all the tags or they are keeping the remaining tags for a later date, the user can close the job.
Step 6: The user is free to close down their computer now and the program and once back on WiFi the user must open up the program again and find the job and the user is presented with a sync button. This will sync the installed and destroy tags back to the central system.
Step 7: If the user hasn't gathered any data then the user has completed their day and can shut down their computer. However if the user has then the user must also sync the recon job to the central system for review. This is done by clicking the Create Recon Job Button.