Once all the batches have been added to the sales order then the Camcode Production Operator can create the sales order and production numbers. Once this step is completed the user can't add anymore batches to the sales order without voiding the sales order and starting the process again. Voiding a sales order is referenced in a different article. 

Step 1: Once the user has determined that there are no more batches to add to a sales order then the user must find the relevant sales order which is under the production tab and sales orders. The user must then select the Order ID that they want to send to production. This will always have a blank AX ID.

Step 2: The user must click the Make Live button as this will allow AX to view the order and import it into AX so that AX can create the Sales Order and Production Order. 

Step 3: The user must now open AX and go to the Sales and Marketing Tab in AX and open the Import CCG Data Button highlighted below. This button is found under the periodic section under the Import field. 

Step 4: The user then selects the country from the dropdown that they are creating a sales order for. Then the user clicks the Import Order Data Button and the user will then import the orders for their country that have not already been imported, the make live button has been clicked on and the Sales ID is blank. 

Step 5: The user must select one of the blank sales orders and then click the Create Sales Order Button. This will add the production order number and the sales order number to the line and write it back to the country's system. This will also create all the required production paperwork and then send it automatically in the next 15 minutes to production to be manufactured.