This guide explains how to create a new marking specification. Not all users can request a new marking specification be created. The users who can are:

  1. Camcode Users
  2. ADF HQ
  3. SPO users .

At this time users in a unit can't request a new marking specification in the system, they must contact the ADF HQ team to request a new NSN be added to the marking list.

1. From the dashboard, click the "Marking Specs" button.

2. To request a New Marking Specification for a new NSN a user clicks the New NSN button to request one new NSN.

3. To request multiple New Marking Specification for a multiple new NSN a user clicks Import NSNs (skip to point 7 below to see how to do this)

4. A user must complete as many fields as possible to create a new marking spec for an NSN. The NSN field must be unique to the system otherwise a Marking Specification already exists.

5. In order to create a new Marking Specification there are required fields that must be known at the creation point. These include:

  1. Part Name
  2. NSN
  3. Cage
  4. Part Number

6. The user then clicks submit and this will create a Camcode work order to review the data and organise to complete the engineering work to determine the best way to mark this NSN.

7. For users that have multiple NSNs that require Marking specificaitons, the user can downlaod an Excel template by clicking the Import NSNs buttons which will pop up the screen below. The user can then download theĀ 

8. In the downloaded excel file the user must enter the same mandatory information for each new Marking Specification being requested

  1. Part Name
  2. NSN
  3. Cage
  4. Part Number

9. Once the user has completed all the information the user must save the file and then upload the file through the import NSNs button on the Marking Specifiations page

10. The user will then click the File button and select the excel file that was saved locally on their computer with the NSN information on it and by clicking save the user will upload it to the ADF UID system. The system will then process the file and check the NSN for duplicates and create a work order for Camcode to conduct multiple UID marking specifications