This guide explains how to create, validate, and submit a label order using an import file.

1. From the dashboard, click the "Order Labels" button.

2. You will now see the Projects page. All orders must be placed for a certain Project. To continue, locate the correct Project from the list and click the Order Labels button.

3. Now you can choose between two types of Ordering: manual order entry or creating an order by importing a data file. In this article we will be importing a data file to create an order. If you would like to learn more about creating an order manually, please refer to the "Creating an order manually" article in the Help Desk. To proceed, select "Order Labels Manually" from the dropdown menu on this page.

4. Now you are ready to add details about this order:

    1. A name or description of the order

    2. The location where the labels will be sent

    3. The contacts related to the order

    4. A selectable list of all NSNs in the system.

5. The NSN list can be searched and filtered by Name, NSN, or Keywords (1). Use the checkboxes to select the NSNs that will be included in this label order (2). Once you have added all the NSNs that comprise the order, click the Order Labels For Selected NSNs button at the bottom of the page. 

9. The next screen will display a list of the NSNs that you have chosen. Click the Reconcile button to enter specific label data.

10. On this screen you will add the Serial Number, Cage/Part options, Location of the asset, and sublocation, if applicable. 

When you enter the Serial Number, you will be prompted to re-enter it over a darkened screen - this is to help ensure that there are no errors entered into the Serial Number field. After you have entered the Serial Number here, click Validate to confirm the number.


11. With all the data entered, you are ready to add this label to your order. If you have multiple labels for the same NSN to enter, you can click the Save & Enter Next Label button to add more Serial Numbers for this NSN (1). If you have finished with this NSN, click Save (2) to add this label to your order. You can also click Back to return to the Order Labels screen.

 12. If you have added all the labels you need for this order, click the Review Labels button in the upper right. This will validate your labels and give you the opportunity to fix any that contain errors. The Review screen features a summary of your order (1) and an itemized list of the labels you are requesting. You may still edit any non-conforming labels or remove them from the order using the buttons on the right of each line (2). 

13. If your order is complete, click the Order Validated Labels at the top right of the page. This will submit your order.