This guide explains how to create, validate, and submit a label order using an import file.

1. From the dashboard, click the "Order Labels" button.

2. You will now see the Projects page. All orders must be placed for a certain Project. To continue, locate the correct Project from the list and click the Order Labels button.

3. Now you can choose between two types of Ordering: manual order entry or creating an order by importing a data file. In this article we will be importing a data file to create an order. If you would like to learn more about creating an order manually, please refer to the "Creating an order manually" article in the Help Desk.

To proceed, select "Order Labels By Import File" from the dropdown menu on this page.

4. Now you are ready to add details about this order:

    1. A name or description of the order

    2. The location where the labels will be sent

    3. The contacts related to the order

    4. The template to follow for your upload file. The Template will define what data needs to be collected to create this order. 

5. Once you select a template, a new button will appear which allows you to download a blank Excel file. This is provides the data format that the portal will expect to receive. Click on the Download Label Ordering File button (1) and save the blank file on your computer (2).

6. Open the file to see the correct format for your data import. The top header row will be filled in with the data types that the portal expects to receive.

7. You can no fill out the spreadsheet with the required data and upload it to the Portal by clicking the File button. Once it is uploaded, a review screen will appear that shows you how many tags passed validation and how many failed (1). From here you can either attempt to edit the lines that have errors, or you can remove them from the order (2). If you have made corrections and you want to validate again to make certain your changes fixed the issues, you can click the Revalidate button in the top right (3). Once the labels have all passed validations or have been removed from the order, click the Order Validated Labels button to complete your order.